About us
We are contemplative Dominican nuns and our life is based on prayer, community and work. These pillars are fundamental in our religious life and help us to live our vocation in a coherent way..
Prayer is the centre of our life. We devote a significant part of our day to prayer and contemplation, and we strive to maintain an intimate relationship with God. Personal and comthe the Divine Office are essential to our life, as they allow us to be in contact with God and to listen to His voice.
Community is another important pillar of our life as religious. We live in community and strive to live in harmony and fraternity with our sisters. We work together to build a strong and united community, and we support each other in our religious life. In our communities, each of us has a specific role and together we form one body in which each of us brings her gifts and talents for the good of the community.
Work is a fundamental part of our life. In addition to the tasks of daily life and the care of the monastery, we make handmade pastries. Our work is a way of praising God through manual labour and sharing the gifts and talents God has given us. The work is also a way of serving others and contributing to the sustainability of our community.
Study is another important pillar as we seek to deepen our knowledge of God and his word. We want to understand God’s will and be prepared to respond to the needs of the world. Study also helps us to grow in our relationship with God and ongoing formation helps us all to contribute to the good of the community and to the fulfilment of our mission.

A community of sisters
We are women who have chosen to follow Christ through a religious life centred on prayer and contemplation, living in a community where we seek to grow in the love of God and of our sisters and brothers.
Chosen poverty allows us an alternative view of comforts and material goods in order to focus on the spiritual. We live a simple and humble life, we have what we need to live, but we renounce everything superfluous. This helps us to be closer to God and to stay focused on contemplation.
These pillars are essential for us and help us to live a life of total dedication to God and to our religious community. We seek to follow the example of St. Dominic de Guzman and the early Dominican communities in order to witness the love and mercy of God in the world.
Our daily life